The formula for New York workers’ comp is complicated, but first you determine a person’s average weekly wage, which is calculated by looking back at the year prior to the injury. For example, if you were injured on January 1, 2018, your average weekly wage should be based on your earnings from January 1, 2017 […]
Inaccuracies in the Media
Inaccuracies in the Media Back in good ole 2012 this article appeared in the New York Daily News titled “Ten things to know about workers’ compensation” ( A Finance Careers Expert from Monster, lays out a top ten list of things every worker should know about worker’s compensation. Among these items are a number of pieces of […]
On-the-Job Injuries Force People Into Poverty, Widen the Wealth Gap
On-the-Job Injuries Force People Into Poverty, Widen the Wealth Gap A poignant but stark article from Al Jazeera America from March of this year reports that the way Workers’ Compensation is currently operated in the U.S. formerly middle-class working people are often pushed into the sinkhole of poverty when they sustain an injury on the […]
Strategies for Dealing with IME Appointments
Strategies for Dealing with IME Appointments IMEs–standing for Independent Medical Examiners or Examinations–are insurance company-picked doctors who you, as a Workers’ Compensation claimant, can be forced to visit in order to be examined. As anyone who has any experience with IME appointments can attest, these visits can be frustrating, even painful experiences. While not all […]
What’s your body worth? The Theory of SLU
What’s your body worth? The Theory of SLU A concept that we explain to many if not most of our clients is this strange creature of the Workers’ Compensation law called “Schedule Loss of Use” or “SLU” for short. What it boils down to is that when you injure one or more of your ‘extremities’ […]